Monday, November 10, 2014

Lil Bit

Well hello again!  This has been a busy posting past few days for me!  Funny how I can go two weeks or more with nothing to share, then, BAM! postingpalooza :D  Today I have a layout I made for another Swirlydoos Kit Club Challenge, "Tell Me A Story"  This challenge was prompted through the lamenting of how scrapbooking has traveled away from it's original meaning, which was documenting life's happenings through pics and journaling.  So many of us shy away from the who what where when and why of the picture we've honored in such a pretty way, and this was specifically to bring that back.  The host, Maggi, asked for fur-baby stories as a jumping point, but anything goes.  I chose to go with the fur-baby. I used November's kit "Beloved".  What a stunner! Packed with Kaisercraft and Bo Bunny goodness, a pleasure to create with. I also used a sketch from Page Drafts.  I love Em's sketches, she really makes creating a breeze. Please give her blog a click and see all her gorgeous work.  No doubt you'll find something to inspire you!  Here's the sketch, #36.4 -

Here are the pics -

This is my ZuZu.  She is a peanut of a doggie.  A funny little Yorkie no bigger than a small rabbit.  She reminds me of one too when she's running. She was laying in the laundry basket here when I snapped these pics.  She lays on everything you put down!  Plastic shopping bags, clothes, pocketbooks.  She doesn't care, lol.  My journaling is on the two tags up in the left hand corner.  They say -

ZuZu is a little bit of a thing but she has the personality of a Great Dane. She cracks us up with the things she does. If you have a bag, backpack, package or a basket of laundry she will lay on it if she can. I was doing laundry and she hopped into the basket with my curtains. She is too cute! She is also my protector. She watches over me and is always by my side. All this in a dog the size of a large guinea pig. ZuZu was a wonderful Christmas gift from hubby. A total surprise and I can say she is all mine. I love her even when she makes me crazy with her barking. She is a cuddle bug and loves to be carried like a baby. Don't let that fool you she's tough and gives our Bruno a run for his money. Dogs bring so much love to a home and family and she has.

I cut the tags on my cricut, the butterflies and the leafy branches too. The bottom piece I used my Martha punch to make the border. A quick cricut tip in case you have this issue, for ages my fine detail pieces just got chummed up if they were small in size. I found that cutting them at a very slow speed, either 2 or 3, and put the blade pressure at 4 for cardstock from the blade warehouse dial, and on the machine or if you use a Gypsy, make that pressure 4 as well, it cuts SO much better. Use your judgement for the different paper thicknesses. Some might be very thick, like Blue Fern and need the five setting, or thin like some DCWV stacks and only need the 3 pressure. Give it a try :) I glossy accented my letter stickers for a bit more pop there. Some stickles on the butterflies and the bottom sticker for some sparkle, cuz ya know, I spread a little sparkle wherever I go ;)

Product List (first 4 products from kit)
Kaisercraft Rustic Harmony - Tranquil, Peace, Sticker Sheet
Kaisercraft Pearls 
Brown Bow
Sea Foam Raffia
Martha Stuart Deep Edge Punch - Flower
Stickles - Lime Green, Cotton Candy
Invild Bolme Chalk Fluid Edgers - Olive Vine, Garden Grass
Distress Ink - Brushed Corduroy, Black Soot
K and Co Stickers - Alphabet
Glossy Accents

I hope you liked it, thanks for visiting. If you have any ?'s, please leave me a comment.  I love hearing what my visitors have to say so even just a hi makes me happy :)  Have a great week,


  1. Oh my, she is so sweet! Yorkies are the cutest small dogs. And what a great layout!
    Dogs....I haven't had one yet that wasn't full of personality. It's probably why I put up with as much as I do. I often entertain the idea of one day being dog-free, but honestly, I'm not sure it'll ever happen.

    1. Court, we will never not have a dog. Hubby says we are a dog family :) and yes the entertainment they provide is quite funny.

  2. Adorable layout and cute pics!! Love the background!!

  3. First of all, LOVE the page design and the papers you used for it! So pretty! ...and your puppy!!! Adorable, cant let my girls see this, they've been bugging fir a lil pup, seeing your little zuzu makes me want a tiny one as well !! xo xo

    1. She is adorable, but a bit of a diva! She barks at everyone. The kids come down the stairs, she barks they say goodnight she barks, someone rings the bell and it is a barkfest! Thanks for the love :)
