Saturday, January 25, 2014

Sympathy Card

I belong to a book club.  There are several of us who meet every month.  We've been doing it for 3 years now.  They are a wonderful group of ladies and our ages are from late 30's to early 60's.  The first week of January one of our gals suffered the loss of her longtime boyfriend who has been battling cancer for several years.  The thing is he just got a clean bill of health in December, but it seems this flu like bug is what did him in.  Sadly treating cancer takes a toll on your body, and when you're older, it's even harder to bounce back.  Poor Carol is just lost right now.

I put this card together with some goodies from my stash and printed up the quote.  Hope you like it.

Thanks for coming by.


  1. How truly heartbreaking for your friend.
    I've never seen that quote before. It is beautiful and absolutely perfect, as is your card.

    1. It is Court, she was so happy that his check-up showed no cancer. Life makes no sense sometimes. I thought that quote was just perfect, it sums it right up.

  2. I love that quote Paula, and hoping it brings a small amount of comfort to your friend during this painful time. Your card is just lovely, the colors work perfect together.
