Sunday, January 12, 2014

New Challenge Blog!

Hi folks, just wanted to take a minute to tell you about a new challenge blog.  The badge is on my sidebar, Craft Hoarders Anonymous :)  The theme for this challenge is just what the title states, use your hoarded stash!  The owner is Gloria Stengel.  She is a wonderful designer who is and has been on some awesome design teams.  I won't lie, I'm partial to Graphic 45 :D  Take a look at the blog, she also has a contest going for promoting this new site just click *HERE* for the info.

Looking forward to using my stash in new and creative ways, hope you'll join in too!


  1. Oh will have to take a look at this one :D

  2. Considering how much stuff I have hoarded, I'm looking forward to this one too :)
