Thursday, April 4, 2013

A Manly Mini

Well ladies, I hope you're in the mood for some major eye candy overload!  Manly is putting it mildly. My daughter Victoria heads up Joe Manganiello's fan club the wolfettes so I made her a zig-zag mini of him.  Another of his fans saw it and asked if I would do one for her if she paid me.  Of course, not only is it fun, but I get paid too ;)

Here are the pics of the mini's.  The first is Victoria's and then her friend's.  I used one of Tim Holtz's paper lines, gosh if I can remember the name, and lots of embellies that I had or crafted.  I used some song lyrics that she liked and some I picked myself and printed them up, one I made look kind of like and old love letter.  This is all just too fun!

next -

Whoo, this guy has a 10 pack I think! lol  It's vary funny having these out on my desk while working on them.  All this shirtless hunkiness floating around.

On a disappointing note, I didn't make it past round 1 of G'45's design team call :(  They had hundreds of extremely talented people try out from all over this world!  As I would look at the different submissions I knew that it was going to be very rough to make it even past round 1.  I'm not discouraged though, I'll keep working and refining and I won't stop entering :)


  1. Wow. I have no idea who this guy is or what he's done, but I'm a fan regardless!
    You did a fabulous job on those minis, especially considering how distracting your subject matter must have been! I really love the embellies you added.
    As for the design team, glad you've not been discouraged. After all, you're MY G45 hero, and I want to see more of your creative and pretty creations!

    1. Why Court, this is Magic Mike's Big Dick Richie and Alciede from True Blood :) yes I would just gaze at the hotness as I worked lol

      It stings just a bit, but the competition is just so darn stiff I don't let it get me down. I'll get there at some point!

  2. That is right Paula, do not stop entering. You read all the time that people on DT say they had to try and try and try before they made it on one. Your work is so pretty and just gets prettier with every project!

    speaking of pretty, this man gives new meaning to the word pretty! he is a hottie for sure. love these mini's!! and how awesome that you got paid for one!! I really like your paper and embellie choices, not sure how I could even pay attention to that though! :)

    1. I won't give up Lisa :) In the meantime, I'll just keep,growing :)

      Mama mia, he was some subject!!! Distraction is putting it mildly lol!

  3. I have good taste in male celebrities! LOL Plus, how can you beat an Italian man? Let alone a tall, dark, handsome one with a torso and a face like that! LOL I love my book and Donna loves hers too! Thank you again momma, you have amazing talent and hopefully soon, someone big is going to notice! :) Oh! BTW, I don't run the Wolfettes I'm just a member of the "pack" so to speak...BUT I am running the campaign to get Joe on Saturday Night as a Host!

  4. True blood huh? I love that show but hubby didn't so I never got to watch it all... I love love the theme tune... I am so doing one of these.... I love ...

    1. Sadly the show isn't as good as it was in the first two years but we stuck with it since we've read every book. We being me and the daughters. Hubby just watches :)
