Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Dunkin Donuts....NOT!!

How many of you from Brooklyn remember the Dunkin Donuts truck coming through the neighborhood? "Dunkin Donuts Dunkin Donuts fresh every four hours, fresh every four hours!  Well I made some yummy donuts this weekend a helluva lot better than theirs!!  Got the recipe from my sis in law's Flour cookbook.  Flour is a bakery in Boston Mass, and is supposed to be off the hook good -

These are their famous cream donuts -

It wasn't all that hard, and let me tell you they were just delish, here are mine -

here is the process before -

For the pastry cream you had to press the custard through a sieve then chill then add 6 tblsp of heavy cream whipped to soft peaks and pipe into donuts.

I was able to get a dozen out of it, I am being very good and not eating the 2 that are left :)  I gave my gr.d's some to take home too!

I finished my album of Des and Omar's wedding it came just beautiful!!!!

Here is a slide show -


  1. I don't remember having a donut truck come around the block. We had Mr. Softee and occasionally the Good Humor truck. Oh, when I was very young, we had the soda bottle truck but no donuts! You donuts look amazing. Thanks for the pictures on how you made them.

    Your wedding album is phenomenal. Love the slide show of it but I would also liked to have seen the pics on your blog so I could ogle your work more. Great job on the album!!!

    1. I guess the truck only came around some of the Bklyn neighborhoods. I'll have to post some regular pics for you : )

  2. Those look outrageously good! Congrats on the willpower; I'd have eaten them myself!!!

    1. Let me tell you Sondra, it is no easy feat!! I ate 2 of them and it's only been of the last month or so where I've been able to say no to temptation. It's only taken 47 1/2 yrs ; )

  3. Oh my Paula, those look good!! I'd really love to spend 2 days, just 2, in the kitchen with you! We could have some fun!

    Your album of the wedding is just beautiful! You did an amazing job on it. It is certainly something to treasure! Thanks for posting it.

    1. I would love to spend time in the kitchen with you! I know we'd have a blast : )

  4. Oh man if there was a DD truck around here I would be totally doomed. It's bad enough there are THREE DD shops in my town as it is! None a drive through, thank goodness. But I know where there is one for those desperate moments.

    So impressed you made homemade donuts. My Oma [German Grandma] used to make them for us when we were kids. I was actually JUST telling my family about them recently. Beautiful memories.

    1. I've made donuts before but it's been a few years,and really they're not that hard. They came soooo good!
