Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Resolutions...Yes? No?

 Nope, not here won't do em don't like em. In my humble ole opinion, they're vehicles of self loathe and depression.  If you fall short, you just can't help but feel like you failed at whatever it is you tried to accomplish.  But this is just me.  I tend to not be good with mapping out specific goals.  I don't do well with knowing I have to do something by a set time, I'm much better with just doing when the mood hits me. 

This even spills into my crafting.  I got an email for design team entries at scrapbookpal.com in which you are required to submit at least two projects a month for March through December.  I don't really like the idea of "have to" so I think I'm going to pass on this.  Here in lies the rub for me.  The same for this project by Ali Edwards, One Little Word.  You choose a word for the year that you think will move you inspire you, whatever else it might make you feel and she'll send little prompts each month to either journal, scrap or photo something related to this word.  Something with this is just not sitting with me.  I did One Weekend Two Shots with Dedra Long from Between Us  and that I did great with that.  Taking two photos each weekend for a year was a lot of fun took no time and really not much thought or effort.

Maybe this is just me, I'm a little weird I guess.  I will say this as far as a word for me for the year, I think it will be determined.  I am determined to get my knee back to where it was so I can start to run again.  I really want to lose 25 pounds once and for all, so if what I put into my mouth matches the determination I put into my exercise, I can do this!  Just be the best me I can be, not any more, not any less and I should be fine : )

1 comment:

  1. I think determined is a great word to pick! If it works for you, then it's THE word to pick.

    While I'm doing the one little word, and I did it last year also.. I didn't follow along with anyone or any prompts... just did my own thing... which is what works for me. I'm like you, don't like the deadlines!
