Monday, November 28, 2011

It Is Finished!!

Yay the living room is done!  My hubby busted his buns to get the final pieces of the ceiling done at 9 last night.  It was tedious and killed his neck and arms, but it is now finished.  The only thing left are drapes and artwork which will take some time so that we can find stuff that goes best.

A couple of pics for you to see, but click on the link to see more -

 Here is a slideshow of the room -

*Living Room Done!*

What a true labor of love for my husband.  I'm glad he's done cuz he deserves to relax after all this!

On a side note, I blew out my darn knee!!  It's been giving me various degree's of trouble for a few months now, but for the past 4 weeks or so it's been really annoying. Last Monday I ran on the treadmill and 4 1/2 minutes in it hurt too much so I slowed the speed and upped the incline instead of being smart and getting off.  I was limping from there on in.  On Tuesday I had several errands to run for my baking and such, picked up a glass table top for our new coffee table, and had MaryAnn help me carry it in instead of telling hubby.  Got up the porch steps and to the front door when, POP!  my knee just went, and yes it made a big popping sound.  I froze then started screaming for John who ran to the door only to start screaming at me.  "Why in the world would you do this for!?"  I'm hysterical crying asking him not to yell at me right this second, he went to pick me up but it hurt so bad I asked him to just lay me on the steps next to our entry way.  I stayed there for 15 minutes feeling like I was going to faint or throw up!  I have never felt a pain like that, and that's saying a lot considering I've had 6 kids.  His ortho surgeon is such an awesome guy, John emailed him asking if he could see me and he called John's cell and told him to bring me right in the next morning at 7:30, thought is I have cartilage stuck in the joint, hence all the pain.  Going for an MRI tomorrow and will probably need surgery.  Oh well such is life, I'll just roll with it and hope I have a quick recovery!


  1. Wow! That was a lot of work getting all that wallpaper up! I'm sure your DH is glad it's done! Hope you guys enjoy it for many years!

    Sorry to hear about your knee. That just stinks! You don't have time for that right now!

  2. Lord knows that is the truth Lisa pf all,the times for it to happpen. I will need surgery gonna happen on the 9th and will be up right away doc's orders. In six wks I should be a
    Most 100%.

    it was a major job but we sit in the room now with big smiles : )
