Friday, July 8, 2011

I Couldn't Wait!!

Ok, so I go to the Prima Yard Sale, and guess what?  It really was a yard sale!!  Here I was thinking it was inside their warehouse, but no-siree, it was outside in their black top parking lot in the blistering heat!  And there were women up the wazoo on line, some with umbrellas to shade themselves, other dummies (read me) dressed nice in heels all fancy sweating enough water to fill a jug!  My scrap buddy Sophia was with me and she kept saying, "Ma, the convention we go to in Oct is much better than this."  I said I know but we've gotten some good deals here.  Some gals brought babies of various ages which was even dumber than wearing heels cuz they were yelling up a storm.  Some of the ladies looked like they were gonna pass out and their friends would be fanning them, others said that Prima should've had ice chests filled with water for sale.  Many looked like they were melting.  Me, well I was just happy to be there sweat and all!  They do this 4 times a year so I will go in the cooler months next time, but it was fun for me.

Here's my goodies -

All this and I spent less than $90 bucks!!  When I got there some ladies looked peeved saying this is all the old junk and left.  Well what'd they think, Prima was going to put out the brand new stuff for 1 buck or two?  For heavens sake in the above pic, those purple red and mossy flowers in the bags was just a dollar each!  Duh, yard sale, clean out the old to make room for the new.  Some are never satisfied, me on the other hand left with a big fat smile on my face :)


  1. What a nice pile of goodies, Paula!

  2. Heels? Oh the things we do for a good flower fire sale!!! Fabulous haul, BTW!!!

  3. Wow! You got some great deals! Enjoy your new goodies!

  4. Can you say SCORE!!! Look at all the goodies you got! I'm with you...did they really think the new stuff would be out? I know it was hot, but look at all you got!!

  5. I. Am. Still. So. Envious!!!
    Great haul, glad you survived the heat in your heels! And I'm with you, yard sale means cleaning up with deals on the old stuff. Duh! lol

  6. Looks like you got some nice things and for a good price. That's the way to shop!
