Friday, November 19, 2010

Sharing Life...

 And some of my thoughts on Dancing with the stars, but first -

Here are some pics of my Grandaughter Aelyn from her 9th birthday on Tuesday.  NINE!!  Time goes too fast.  She is a real card let me tell ya!  She had dd Desirae fix her hair and makeup so I could snap some shots.  Note the outfit change ;)  For her and Gianna's bday, we got them American Girl dolls, and on Monday I'm taking them and Sophia along with their dolls, Rebecca, Molly, and Felicity to The American Girl Doll Store in Los Angeles.  They are stoked!




 Here are Gianna and Aelyn with Molly and Rebecca.

Some shots of my home, I made the door wreath and swag around it -

Here is a lo I did, and it was the HARDEST lo I ever did.  Why?  Because I scrap lifted it.  While going to lunch with hubby one day we went to a lss near him and they had these lo kits all over.  They were 18-20 bucks and I snapped a bunch of pics.  The mistake I made while doing the lo was not having everything prepped and ready to go so I had to keep referring to my phone pic for the fine details since it didn't print clear.  I really like it and originally was going to use a pic of Santino but changed my mind to the pics of Des from her sinner or saint contest with Kat Von Dee and Sephora cometics -

Those 3 red glitter brads under devil were from Lisa in a swap.  They came awesome and look like buttons!!  I used my cricket and stickles for the embellies.

I think it's hot!!!  Not exact like the original, but nice :)

Now Dancing With The Stars. Some are ticked with Brandi getting the boot.  If I was the one who picked the contestant there wouldn't be a Brandi, or Jennifer Gray, Pussy Cat Doll, Yamaguchi or Gymnasts for crying out loud, skaters and gymnasts take ballet!!  Pop stars make videos that are choreographed up the wazoo.  The whole point is to take someone with no dance background and turn them into Baryshnikov or Cyd Charisse.  I know you younguns are saying Cyd Charisse who da fuhh....Anywho, that's the real success, so Bristol should be there along with Cory duh I mean Kyle Massey, Cory is his tv character :p.  That's the real challenge.  My 2 cents ;)


  1. The granddaughters are too cute for words, Paula. Just adorable.

    Your lo is realllllly good. I'm glad you used those pics of dd for it. The extra matting around the pics is great, too.

    I kinda have to agree with you about DWTS. It will be interesting to see who wins.

  2. What smiles on those girls! Can't say they are camera shy... so pretty!

    Love the door.. you did a great job!

    Awesome's perfect for those pictures! Smokin'!

    I do really like Jennifer, and know she's already won...but agree with what you are saying... take someone like me and teach me to that's progress!
