Sunday, July 4, 2010

One Weekend Two Shots

Happy 4th of July people!!  This is my favorite holiday after Christmas : )  Have a safe fun day celebrating the birth of this wonderful country of ours and the great people who protect it!

This is a pic from the pretty little pomegranate tree that my hubs bought for me our first Christmas here in this house 5 years ago. This is the second year that it has given us pomi's or chinese apples as we call them back in Brooklyn. I have even more this season!


  1. Ooohh, I need to get one of those. I adore pomegranates!

  2. What an awesome shot Paula!
    I hope you had a great 4th!


  3. Another awesome shot!!!!

    I love pomegranates!

  4. So this is what a pomegranite looks like? They're so pretty! Your photography is getting better & better.

  5. Paula! I hope you and your family had a wonderful 4th of July.

    I love this photo and think it's awesome that you have your own tree in your yard! Oh how I envy that! :)

    Do you have recipes for pomegranates or do you mostly just eat the jewels fresh as a snack? I have a recipe for pomegranate sherbet on my blog that I made last winter. You should have seen me juicing a pomegranate. What a mess! LOL! ^_^

  6. @ Christine, I'm going to have to stop by and see that recipe! I've not used them for anything but eating right out of the skin, or in a salad. A friends mom makes jam and she gave some to me,it was so very good!
