Friday, July 30, 2010

Vegas Follies!

Here are some pics of our fun time in Vegas.  It was super HOT!!!  117, can you believe it!!??  I have never felt heat that intense in my life.  While by the pool the sun was a bit hidden by clouds, still hot but bearable.  When that sun came out, watch out!!  It was like being in an oven.  While I'm Italian, I'm no pizza that needs cooking, so into the water I went.  The kids spent hours in the pool having a good ole time.

Here are the pics -

 This one is for Miss Lisa!

Here is a video of the fountains at Bellagio, just love em!! Don't forget to pause the playlist at the bottom of the blog so you can here Frank sing with the fountains : )

Thursday, July 29, 2010

One Weekend Two Shots (July 24-25)

These are a little late getting in.  We've been in Vegas for the past few days and we had a great time, nice needed relaxing and some really great shots.  In another post I'll put up some more shots of the fun, but for now here are 2 pics I really really love!

This was inside Excaliber where we stayed, thought the colors were great!

I love this shot of the Statue outside New York New York!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Scrapping The Music

I really like this challenge done each week at Scrapping The Music.  First of all, I love music, I have my iPod with me everywhere I go.  Creating layouts to songs is just a great way to create!  Here's my contribution to this weeks challenge.  The song is called Santa Cruz by Pearl Jam -

These pics were taken at Venice Beach Ca.  We've been beach hopping each week.  I couldn't get over how blue the water was!  The sail boats looked so nice on the water.

Here is the final piece to my cj that I've been participating in and hosted by Lisa over at Life-In-Flip Flops.  This is the tag for Lisa's cj lo which was things I miss away from home.  I am ashamed to say, I cheated, hubs photoshopped me into the pic here ; )  but I couldn't resist!  Just to refresh you to her subject here are the lo's too -

Sunday, July 18, 2010

One Weekend Two Shots (July 18th)

Here is my Sunday entry -

This is ZuZu rolling around Bruno's bone.  She does this with various things she chews.  She rolls on it over it and around it.  What's funny is watching her take off with this big bone in her mouth.  It's quite large for her and we laugh as she tries to hide it from poor Bruno!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

One Weekend Two Shots (July 17th)

Here's my Saturday entry.  I was just walking around the house with my camera and low n behold my bird feeder in the front bed caught my eye -

My hubby bought this about 9 years ago when we lived in our 2nd home from Design Toscano.  Those little cherubs have such expressions!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Cards and Lay Outs

I completed a couple of cards and a cute lay out of the kids at the beach the other day.  I also dolled up a cute bag from my lss.  They also used to have a gift shop as well as the scrap store so the bag is a carry over from that.  I forgot to take my pic and had to do it with my cell in the car.  Each week or so we'll be going to a different beach.  Last Wednesday was Bolsa Chica in Huntington and this Wednesday is going to be Venice beach.

This card was for my niece's b'day

This is the bag a embellied and glimmermisted -

For the lo. I took some of my glitter and just sprinkled it on the letters that had some zig glue on the edges so you can see them, some buttons that have a shell like look to them and pics of starfish that I printed up -

This is a thank you card.  Too cute!

This week should be hot at the beach since the temps have been rising.  I was FUHREEZING!! last week!

Monday, July 12, 2010

True Blood and Eclipse

I have to come clean, I am a True Blood pimp, it's true I can't help but push this show!!

Now there might be some spoilers in this so if ya haven't watched it yet and don't wanna know....


Did ya see it last night?!!  OMG it is getting so darn good!  Tara is a dummy, after last season being bamboozzled by MaryAnn, she's now getting glamed by  Franklin Mott.  And oh boy is he not the skurviest cukoo a$$ed vamp you ever saw?  He is yucky!!

Bill, what can I say, I hated him in the books and guess what, I really hate him in the show!!  What a wussy tattletale baby he is!  Poor Pam is getting tortured cuz of that crumb!  I know they're doing it different from the books, but he didn't have to do Sookie like that either.  What a wipe.

I liked Sookie all biker chicked out.  Alcide looks funny in plaid shirts, didn't get that vibe about him in the books at all. I know he's in construction, but he OWNS the darn company.  He was wearing suits for cyring out loud, not dressed like Paul Bunyan!  Then all those were's were going bonkers, man, I was saying "Get outta that bar ya nut!" to Sookie!

Oh and I am lovin the Erik-Lafayette banter!!  Did you hear him call Lafayette RuPaul?! LMAO!

And the piece de resistance -

Eric and Sookie together in the hotel.  I knew one of em was dreaming, but it was good none the less!

Here's a recap of last night


Now for Eclipse, I took the kids to see it on Friday.  It was good.  I have to say, neither Edward or Jacob are anything to write home about, guess I'd have to be 16 for that.  Edward just isn't the adonis he's made out to be in the books.  All in all the kids loved it, but this will be the last one they go see unless I see it 1st.  It was starting to get a bit dicey with him n her, so the next will only be more so. 

Sunday, July 11, 2010

One Weekend Two Shots (July 11th)

Here are Saturday and Sunday's shots.  While I did have time to take the pics, we were out and about and I didn't get the chance to post em -


Sunday -

The flower is from a bouquet I bought at market night in town.  Every Thursday there are various sellers out and flowers are just one of the many great things to buy.  The other is of Bruno our English Bull Dog.  He will go to the gate and push to see if someone forgot to lock it and so I snapped a pic of him trying to be Houdini, but he just cried that I wouldn't let him out.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

One Weekend Two Shots

Happy 4th of July people!!  This is my favorite holiday after Christmas : )  Have a safe fun day celebrating the birth of this wonderful country of ours and the great people who protect it!

This is a pic from the pretty little pomegranate tree that my hubs bought for me our first Christmas here in this house 5 years ago. This is the second year that it has given us pomi's or chinese apples as we call them back in Brooklyn. I have even more this season!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

One Weekend Two Shots

Today's shot is courtesy of my kids jumping around in the pool.  I love water shots!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Believe Bo-Bunny Word Album

I have finally finished my Bo-Bunny Christmas word album!  It's only taken me 18 mos.  I love these albums and have a couple more that I'll be starting soon.  Bo-Bunny is one of my most favorite product lines, they have such wonderful stuff, I just love it.

Here are the pics -

Most of the paper was from Bo-Bunny's Believe line as well, I used my stickles and glimmer mist, come on you weren't expecting that ; ) ?  Lots of Christmas embellies that I've had in my stash forever.  I am getting better at layering my pieces for the effect I love in so many of my favorite artists, as well as my scrappy sistahs.  Go check out my friend Serene's word book over at Shades Of Blue, she just finished her Oklahoma book from visiting fellow sistah Lisa : ) and her Baseball book for her son Logan.  These gals are some of the most talented scrapbookers I know and you can visit each of their blogs through my blog roll.

I also made a paper lunch-bag mini album for Sophia's piano teacher.  She just loved it.  I like the way it came too.  It's hard to see but the title is Musical Memories, I made it with my cricut Jasmine cart, of course used stickles.  The paper I bought over at Scrap Your Trip, if you haven't gone yet, GO!!  You can get some of the prettiest paper there.  Embellies and such from my stash and we were good to go.

Here are those pics -

Hope you liked, have a great 4th of July : )