Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mother's Day Tea

On Friday May 7th my son Santino's kindergarten class hosted their annual Mother's Day Tea.  This is the sweetest, most darling function the teacher prepares for each year.  His teacher is truly a wonderful teacher and she takes the time to do these great things with our kids.

Santino was so excited!  I had to go buy him a tie since he wanted to be all dressed up, he looked so handsome.  When I came into the class, he escorted me to my chair and gave me my beautiful pink ceramic heart necklace.  They sang some songs, each child said why we were special and then we had some sweets and tea.

Here are some pics of the day -

This really is so very important to them.  When Sophia was in Kinder, 2 Mom's didn't come, they didn't even send a Grandma or Aunt in their place, those kids were devastated.  Mrs. E sends note after note with you rsvping to make sure someone is there for the child.  There is one boy in Sonny's class and we all knew his mom would be a no show, she had the school secretary call his mom, and she said she was on her way.  Well she wasn't coming, so she was called again and she told the school sec, there's no way I'm the only one not there.  She said, yup, they're waiting on you, she said, you mean they take time outta their day for a silly Mother's Day Tea?!  I'm shopping!!  Imagine that?!  The woman is a real moron!!! and I'm being very kind with my words.  It's no wonder this poor kid struggles, he isn't even allowed to bring their reading books home since they won't come back, no wonder.

That said it was beautiful, and it goes by so fast so cherish these "silly" little things before they're all grown up on you :)


  1. Aww, that is so sweet!

    I can't believe some people!

  2. Ohhh Paula... he is so adorable. I love the picture of you two. This makes me miss when my kiddo's were young. So glad I made the time for those little moments... still mean so much to me!

    Thanks for sharing the day with us!

    Love ya!

  3. What a handsome young man that Santino is! And just beaming! He knows that doing special things for his mama won't go unappreciated.
    What a sweet, thoughtful tradition this teacher has going. And it's the perfect age for it, as many kids have their mom or grandma available to them during the day.

  4. Oh, Paula - what a beautiful thing for Santino's teacher to do every year. These are the moments we so cherish. Your little Santino is very handsome and gown up in that tie! Wasn't he a proud son that morning? Not a proud as you, I'm sure! TSF
