Thursday, May 27, 2010

How Cute!

I made some cards for a challenge that Memory Makers board has each week.  The idea for the card vs a layout wasn't mine, that goes to Melissa, who's blog Stamping With Melissa, I follow and is just so very talented, click on her title and give her a visit.  I think they came absolutely adorable!  I used my cricut with the accent essentials cart to cut the different circles except the little flower shaped one in the middle.  That was a punch, then I inked the edges, I save my Mary Englebright calendar pgs just for this purpose, the pics are to cute with some neat quotes, stuck them on and then some embellies.  Check it out -

These little babies are just great!  I love em and think I'll make some more to have on hand.  I'm very happy with them.  Oh, and it's a great way to use your scrap stash!!  I didn't use a single whole sheet of new paper.  My scraps are growing by the second so cards are an awesome way to get rid of them. 

Us scrappers tend to be hoarders and I don't like to get rid of scraps until it isn't feasible to use any of it.  I'll sit at my table after a project and look at what's left and ask myself if I can use that little bit for something.  I'm getting better though with throwing away ; )

We're going to Vegas Baby!!!  We leave today and come back on Sunday.  I can not wait!  Just John and I no kids.  We got an awesome deal at the Hilton, 3 nights 4 days and 6 buffet vouchers for $199, couldn't say no!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Last CJ and Some Loot!

Jean's cj is the last of the group.  I have finished the cj's!!!! Not the tags yet, though.  Still have Lisa's tag and Jean's tag, which I have to find out what that is.
Jean's subject was Four Verses That Speak To Me.  This was hard since I find so many very meaningful and they touch me either in comfort, or to make me say, "Yeah, I here ya."  Here are the pics of my lo's -

I used my ever present cricut with jasmine font for the title, home accents for the bird, butterfly, and faith diecuts, and then I cut the little flowers from some left over paper that I used.  I inked, and stickled of course, and I glimmermisted a beige piece of paper for the journaling box.  I think it came pretty.  Using vellum for the verses gives it a nice touch, I like the effect it has.  I hope Jean likes it too : )

Now for my stash!  Went to Collective Journey with a coupon I got in my email.  Spend $25 and get a free paper salad.  Paper salad you say, what the heydee ho is that?  Look -

Just a cute little collection of ribbon rick-rack, paper pieces and such.  They have a box filled with all different ones and I picked this one.  I also bought goodies of course, had to spend $25 to get this booger. Check out this stuff!!! -

Lookie, Tim Holtz's grunge paper!  Yes!!  This stuff is great, it's bendy but has substance to it unlike paper, and I can put it in my cricut or big shot to cut.  A bag of plain flowers, yahooo!  You can stamp em, glimmermist or ink em, awesome.  BoBunny has come out with a bunch of vintage papers that look so pretty.  I love BoBunny it's one of my favorites.  I thought the black and white papers are really nice, they weren't BoBunny can't remember who they're from, and then yes it's true Twilight paper.  Now I didn't get the ones that were specific to Twilight, I got 2 that I could use with True Blood.  Boy hubs is just gonna love that ; )  Here's a few more pics -

I have a SERIOUS paper addiction.  Gosh I just can't help myself, but my scrappin buds know all about this so they understand.  There is no way I could use all the paper I have.  I think I would have to scrap everyday for about 2 years, and maybe not even then, bad huh?

Hope you like the goodies and the layouts, ciao ; )

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

True Blood Light

Vampire Diaries turned out to be a really decent series.  I totally enjoyed it and it was a great way to pass the time till True Blood comes back.  I like the characters, Stephan and Damon both are fantastic, though I do like Damon a little more.  He knows he's bad and he loves it, but make no mistake, I think if push came to shove, Stephan is actually the more ruthless of the two brothers.  The ending was great!  I haven't read the books, after Twilight, I don't know if I want to tackle YA again.  There are so many books in my TBR pile that I really have to think on it.  That said -

IT'S COMING!!!  Yes on June 13th True Blood is back and Alan Ball has been giving teasers at the end of HBO's re-running of season 2 with little mini-sodes.  Have ya seen em?  No?!  Well look-

And here is the season 3 teaser, it looks reeeeeal good, I can not wait!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Four Things I Miss Away From Home

This is Miss Lisa's cj subject.  For me it was easy peasy, what do I miss? 

  1. My home.  I love my home
  2. My family.  As crazy as they drive me sometimes I miss em
  3. My bed.  How many of you come back, lay your heads on your pillows and say ahhhhh?!
  4. My hubs.  I hate going places without him and coming home to him is the best!

I used my cricket with the Jasmine font cart, my bigshot for the corner flourish, some flowers and glimmer mist, stickles and inking, a little ribbon and viola a lay out is born ;)  Here are the pics -

Now I haven't done the tag yet.  That's a pic in front of a road sign, so I need to get out and find a road sign to stand in front of : )

My next project is for Teacher appreciation week.   I made a paint can to fill with little treats.  Here are some pics -

I love these paint cans.  They make the neatest gifts and you can do them for a bridal or baby shower, wedding, new baby.  The possibilities are endless!  I used my cricut home accents cart for the pretty bird and butterflies I put on them, the Ashlynn's alpha for their names, and the grow flourish on the top one.  I also put some flowers and bling scattered, a little ribbon and rick rack for where the handle come out of the can.  I just love em!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mother's Day Tea

On Friday May 7th my son Santino's kindergarten class hosted their annual Mother's Day Tea.  This is the sweetest, most darling function the teacher prepares for each year.  His teacher is truly a wonderful teacher and she takes the time to do these great things with our kids.

Santino was so excited!  I had to go buy him a tie since he wanted to be all dressed up, he looked so handsome.  When I came into the class, he escorted me to my chair and gave me my beautiful pink ceramic heart necklace.  They sang some songs, each child said why we were special and then we had some sweets and tea.

Here are some pics of the day -

This really is so very important to them.  When Sophia was in Kinder, 2 Mom's didn't come, they didn't even send a Grandma or Aunt in their place, those kids were devastated.  Mrs. E sends note after note with you rsvping to make sure someone is there for the child.  There is one boy in Sonny's class and we all knew his mom would be a no show, she had the school secretary call his mom, and she said she was on her way.  Well she wasn't coming, so she was called again and she told the school sec, there's no way I'm the only one not there.  She said, yup, they're waiting on you, she said, you mean they take time outta their day for a silly Mother's Day Tea?!  I'm shopping!!  Imagine that?!  The woman is a real moron!!! and I'm being very kind with my words.  It's no wonder this poor kid struggles, he isn't even allowed to bring their reading books home since they won't come back, no wonder.

That said it was beautiful, and it goes by so fast so cherish these "silly" little things before they're all grown up on you :)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Mother's Day

Sunday is the day for Mom's.  I love Mother's Day, because I really do nothing all day long.  It's one of the most relaxing days for me.  My hubs and kids take care of me.  And he really caters to me on my day, breakfast, snacks, dinner, I love it.  I don't know what I'll do, maybe some reading and scrapping.  We'll see, either way it's how I like to spend it, going no where and doing nothing special but being with the most important people to me.

I wish my Mom wasn't so far away, but remember to hug yours tight, us Mom's do a heck of a lot for our families and we are irreplaceable.  We love and give even when we think the tank is on E.