Saturday, April 24, 2010

I Love Being A Girl!

Yes that's right, I do, I do, I do!!!  This week was Jenn's turn in her cj, and her subject was 5 things I love about being a woman.  Well I truly love lots of things.  I have no desire to be a man, look like a man, act like a man, none of it.  I know there are plenty of gals out there who have this equality grudge match going on with men, but guys can't hold a candle to me so I really don't care ;).  Don't get me wrong, I'm no man hater, but they don't have anything I want.  I can multi-task, let me see a man paint a room,  make the kid's lunch, and then change a baby's diaper, run out to pick the older kids up from school all in the same day without screaming for help even 1 time.  Not gonna happen.  I have done this very thing, God made us gals quite special, guys just don't have the gene.

I can pitch a royal fit, and if someone says, "whaduhya, a girl?"  YES!!!   I can carry another living being inside my body, then I can feed that sweet baby with my body as well.  I just love pink, pretty, frou frou frilly things, Hello Kitty and all those girly goodies make me happy.  SHOES!! I dedicated a whole blog post to  my shoes, I can't get enough of those babies, the higher the better.  Those are the 5 things that just make me smile at being blessed to be female. 

This was a great subject and I had fun with it.  I used Bo-Bunny paper and some flowers, cut hearts from my cricut using accent essentials cart, a flourish and lettering from Ashlyn's alphabet cart, inked and of course, stickles, every girl has glitter running through their veins ;)  My tag, I googled Vera Bradley bags, I have a couple of those and I just love em, though some have slammed em for being so expensive and made out of quilting material, but hey, to each their own, I like em, and I put my pic on it and printed it up. 

Here is the finished products -

Up next is Miss Lisa, who put this whole cj swap together and is doing a great job.  Her subject is 4 things I miss when I'm out of town. 

On Wednesday I am going home to NewYork.  My niece Alexandria is receiving Confirmation and she asked me to be her Godmother!  I am very excited about it, and seeing my Mom.  Nothing in this world is like Mama love, and being with her makes me feel good.  I'll be there till Monday the 3rd.  I don't like leaving my hubs, but I'm honored that my niece asked me and this is a good reason to be there.  Going to make good, happy memories with family is wonderful.


  1. Love your page, love your reasons and love your purse tag! You rock girl!

  2. Ooh, ooh, ooh! I LOVE your sign-in tag. It's go GIRL! Your pages are pretty awesome too - especially that photo of a crying little one. Just precious.

  3. Very cute LO! Love all the pink, and love your reasons. That shirt is awesome. :)

    Great tag, too! Love VB, although I only own one!

  4. Fabulous sign-in tag. That is just too cute. Your los are so pretty! Great colors!
