Saturday, October 3, 2009

I Told You

That my daughter Desirae was, like my husband, an artist. I am going to post a few pics of her drawings. They are of Superman and Jim Morrison of The Doors and the tattoo she designed in honor of my Father and my Mother in Law. Also, my son's drawing of Bizarro. Most of them are artists of some form or another. Either with pencil and prose or drawing, or with a camera.

My Dad was in the Navy, and my Mother-in-Law loved roses, hence the combo -

Jim Morrison

needs no introduction -

Sophia took a boat load of photo's that had my daughter and I hysterical, and that is going to be a slide show. These were just too funny! She has quite an eye, and can look at something that may seem ordinary to us, but for her it has some "quality" to it that when you see it in pic form, you go aaahhhhh.

On another subject, Santino received his very first award at school on Friday!! We were so very proud of him. It was the Golden Cub award given for his eagerness to participate, following the rules, and trying his hardest. He has really taken to school and that makes me so happy. As soon as he comes home, out comes the homework and he is sitting and getting busy. Here are a couple of pics of him on his happy day -

I anm sooooooo excited! On Friday, I will be going to Biloxi to meet my Mother, Aunt MaryAnne and Aunt Toni, Uncle Peter and my cousins Alicia and Peter. It is my birthday on Friday and my wonderful hubby gave me this as a gift. My Mom was going down with her sisters. So when he heard about it, he thought that would be nice. I agree! We'll be gambling in Biloxi, but the big treat is going to be on Sunday when we go to NEW ORLEANS!!!! I have been dying to go to NO forever. I can't wait and will take tons of pics. Cafe DuMond and beignets and coffee, hhhmmmm. The Cathedral, French Quarter, muffaletta's, crawfish and catfish poboys! Oooooo wee, simmuh don nuh (as said by Cheri Oteri from a Sat night live skit).

Can you all believe that it is October already?! Time is waiting for no one, not man, woman, or beast! In honor of the month I have put up a Halloween background, it's cute. I need to get my decorations out, my neighbor was asking and so was Sophia ;) . I have also been working on my lunch bag mini albums that I am making for my nieces this Christmas. They are coming great, and I will put pics of them in as well, when they're done. Inside one of the pockets, I will put a gift card in a homemade gift card holder as well.

I have come to the conclusion, or should I say stage in my life, where I feel that barring hitting the lottery and walking in with a set of car keys or a box from Tiffany's, there isn't anything that any of us really need. We all are actually quite spoiled and I think something made by hand that has taken me days to make shows how much care and love I have for the person, vs a blouse, cd or body lotion. Now before I get burned for saying this, I understand that not everyone can do stuff like this, I appreciate the gifts that I get from everyone, but this is something that is heartfelt from me and gives me great joy. I don't care about getting gifts, I love giving them. I love seeing someone's face light up as they look through the photos I picked out of them and the papers and embellishments that adorn the pages. Nuff said on that subject :) .

As promised here is the slide show, turn off the playlist so you can here the song Sophia picked, enjoy -


  1. What a great post! I love the pics that Des drew, quite a talented lady and that tatoo design is magnificent, what a wonderful blend. Not to forget Sonny, who could forget Sonny, congrats to the big boy! And Sohpia, I loved the movie, enjoyed the JBros and those faces. Great job to all. Have a wonderful time in Naw''s beautiful there and the food, well, walk now and prep for some delicious cuisine and enjoy the time with the family, what a wonderful trip that will be. Take pics for the blog.
    Love you.

  2. you need to explain how to post you tube, be the egg head

  3. Beautiful work! It's all amazing. Anyone planning on getting that tat?
    And WTG Santino! Great job, keep it up!
    Sophia's photography is great. Love the freedom shots, and all the wonderful kid pics.
    Have fun on your trip Paula. What an amazing birthday present! Be sure to share the pics!!
    Happy trails!

  4. Paula - First of all - Happy Belated Birthday! Secondly - WOW! - your kid's artwork is great! My oldest used to do a lot of drawing, but has kind of left it behind. I wish she would pick it up again, as it is a great creative outlet. Love the slide show too, reminds me of my oldest. Oh, and I hope you enjoyed your trip down south!
