Saturday, September 12, 2009

Looky Here...

Another project finished!! I made my brown paper lunch bag mini-book. Boy is that a mouthful! It was sooooo easy, and fun to make. I loved decorating the pages and the inserts to put in the bag "pockets". The crayola factory made for the perfect candidate for this endeavor. If you have a succession of pics from the holidays or vacation, this mini-book is just perfect! It fits a ton of pics due to the pockets it holds as well as the visible pages.

We had so much fun that day. The factory is a great trip if you're in Eastern Pa, or the near by area. The children had a blast creating and touching. Upstairs they have the canal museum, which shows the history of the canal's and how products were transported back in the day.

Here is a picture of my finished product -

Here is my slide show of the steps making the mini-book, set to Jason Mraz's You And I Both. It's really such a pretty song. Turn down the playlist at the bottom if you want to hear the music. In case you haven't noticed, I'm really digging the slide show creations here ;) !

I am also including a pic of the card I made for my monthly card swap. Love the colors in this one. Next month is my turn, so instead of making a card, I'll be getting a bunch! I can't wait to see what the girls come up with. They are certainly very talented and I learn a lot from them. As a matter of fact, Elaine has been published in a magazine! She is wonderful, and her work is magnificent. Her blog is listed in my followings, DivitaKnies art, give it a click to see what she does.

Of course what would a late night Sunday post be with out a True Blood wrap up? Well, for those of you who watch, what did ya think? Sam sure stepped up to the plate with MaryAnn, who's storyline is FINALLY finished! It took a whole season to wrap that kaka up. Hhhmmm, who could have taken Bill, Lorena, Eric? Pooh, we only had a brief showing of Eric playing Yahtzee with the Queen, who likes to play till 5 million! What a hoot, and so was Jason. Poor Sookie what will she do? And what a nice rock Billy boy got her too. Now begins the wait till June. Luckily all the new season shows are starting again, like Biggest Loser, a fave of hubby and mine. At least True Blood keeps the summer fresh from repeats!

I hope you all enjoy my newest creations. My next post might actually be about cooking, I'll think on that a bit!

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