Monday, June 1, 2009

A Little Detour

I am going to take a slightly different route here. With summer coming, I just wanted to talk about one of my other passions...reading!

I find reading a wonderful way to escape the everyday doldrums. It is also a very good way to increase your vocabulary as well as help your mind stay sharp and hold on to the vocabulary it has. During the summer, most Libraries, and, since my local Barnes and Noble does, I would think all of them do, have summer reading programs for the kids. It is important for them to keep up their reading and be able to grasp vocabulary and putting together a sentence, that progresses to an essay. This is stuff that they will have to do in school, right through college. Fostering a love of reading is a great thing!

Okay, enough of the soap box for today. Let me tell you what my latest reading obsession is. I was hooked on all of Anne Rice's vampire chronicles, I also loved her Mayfair witches as well. I fell out of reading for a very very long time. Various reasons, but one of them being, I couldn't sit "still" enough to free my mind so I could get lost in a book. I would read one here and there, usually during my 2 daughter's tennis lessons, which would be once a week for an hour. Needless to say, a book would last me months. This past September, I watched HBO's True Blood, if you scroll to the bottom of the blog you will see I am anxiously waiting season 2! My 21 yr old daughter Desirae told me they were based on the Southern Vampire Series by Charlaine Harris and she wanted them for Christmas. Well, that was it, hook line and sinker we have fallen in love with all of them, which are 9 so far. Number 10 will come out in May of 2010, boo hoo!

This has lead me to other vampire series that I am just loving. Now, the ones I have been reading are not for the faint of heart. They are violent at times, and quite risque as well, but this is a genre I have loved since Ms. Rice first blessed us with dear Lestat and Louis, who quite frankly was played irresistbly and stole Tom Cruise's thunder, by Brad Pitt. Alas, I degress. I have read all the Twilights, and to be honest, and this is only my opinion, I know there are hundreds of thousands of tweens and their mom's who loved all of them, but after the first 2, well, peeyoo. 3 was not good, but 4 was torture for me to finish. I don't know if Ms Meyers was put on a schedule from her publishers to get them out, but I didn't like the book at all. Not the writing style, the storyline, none of it.

Reading the reviews of other people has lead to me finding other authors and series as well. Right now I am just loving the Anita Blake series by Laurel K Hamilton, The Black Dagger Brotherhood series by JR Ward, and of course, the Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris -

My most wonderful husband also bought me the Amazon Kindle, which is like an ipod for books. It holds 1500 books on it, and I love the gadget. If you are a gizmo kind of person, go to Amazon and check this little wonder out. Here is a pic -

No lie, in the last 4 months I have devoured at least 12 nice size books. Now shush, don't be thinking, "how in the world does this woman take care of all her kids, her home, cook wonderful dinners, keep her hubby happy, do her scrapbooking and have the time to read this much too?" Well, a girl has to have some secrets, doesn't she ;) ?


  1. Through my curious searches I happened to come across this wonderful site. The name and the picture looked like my old friend, so I started reading the blogs. As I am enjoying the monthly blogs, I scrolled down and to my surprise I see dear old friends of yesterday. It was wonderful reading the blogs and getting to know what happened to my old friends. The scrapebook and beautiful words are just wonderful and a pleasure to see and read. MCurto

  2. What a surprise!! Imagine MY shock seeing your post! How are you, what are you doing? I have a million ?'s, believe me I have punched in your name to google so many times. Colette actually found me through Victoria! What a great way to start my day. So much has happened besides having 6 kis now, being a Grandma, Matthew has twins, Thomas has 2 girls, oh so much. How nice to see your post Maria.

  3. Kindle this! Great item. Yes, I didn't get as much out of the last few Twilights, thought they could make the last 2 books into one. Wonder how they will make 3 more movies. Thanks for the book suggestions. I love to read as much as I love to do art, and reading in the summer is something I look forward to. TFS.

  4. I think that kindle gadget is great. I also love to read my Favorite author is Kathryn Harvey she wrote Butterfly and Star
