Sunday, December 11, 2016

Cards Anyone? RRR Challenge #154

Back again friends with some more projects from the past few months! Here are some cards I made for Thanksgiving, Sympathy, and a tag for my Secret Santa pal.

Check out the gorgeous ribbon on my cards all from Really Reasonable Ribbon. I joined the club and boy am I over the moon! What a fantastic selection of ribbon Bonnie gives :)

This tag was made for a Secret Santa swap. I love the way it came and I'm going to put it into Really Reasonable Ribbon's latest challenge #154 Winter Holiday

I am in love with the pen feature on my Cameo! Hence all the sayings on my tag and cards. It's so cool and I love all the phrases you can put on your projects. Oh and for the record every project here was made with papers and embellies from my stash.

Thanks for visiting!

Sunday, December 4, 2016


Hi friends! Good golly! It's December! I know I've been really crummy with posting but I have a few projects to share with you now since it's been a while, Yes the pocketletter craze still has me in it's grasp but I've also discovered stuffed envelopes or something to that affect it's called which I think I'm going to give a whirl ;)

Any who here are a few pl's one of which went to India! My Christmas one was truly an honor because it went to Maria Cole from Paperiah who was on Graphic 45's dt and is their special projects designer. She asked to swap with me and you could've knocked me down with a feather. Click on her blog to see the amazing pl she sent to me!

First up Halloween -

Next up Thanksgiving using my hoarded A Place In Time from Graphic 45. This one went to India -

Last but not least my Christmas letter using an older Christmas line from Graphic 45, A Christmas Past.

The great thing about these little letters is I use quite a bit of my stash to make them. In these three not a single thing was bought. Oh and I must say I love my Silhouette Cameo! It cuts so beautifully :)

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


Hi friends! Wowzers!!! November 1st, holy macaroni almost the end of the year. Live life folks it goes by in a snap!

I'm here with a layout and a pocketletters. My layout is for the music challenge over on, my song was Did You Fall In Love With Me by Praire Oyster. Very sweet song. I pulled the title and used it as an embellishment.

My papers are from Blue Fern's Sanctuary line along with their chippie, also lots of misting from Lindy's -

That's me and the hubs at 15 and 17!

Now for my pocketletters I did for swapsies. One was a Autumn the other was Mary Engelbreit who I love -

They become a fabulous story that you send to your pal. I'm addicted!

Monday, September 26, 2016

In Your Eyes

Hi friends! I'm back with a layout for Lindy's Stamp Gang challenge and's music challenge. This is a pic that I've never scrapped though it is truly one of my most faves. It's my oldest dd Victoria at about 4 months old gazing adoringly into her papa's eyes. Love it! I love Lindy's mists for great coverage of EVERYTHING! Here's the color palate for this month, and you can access the blog challenge from my sidebar directly or from the title above -

Aren't the colors so rich and lovely this month!

Here are some pics -

My song for the challenge was Stand By You by Rachel Platten and I pulled the line In Your Eyes, which I printed then punched out with a tag punch. Some inking and a little butterfly and tucked it into the pic. The paper is Blue Fern's Sanctuary line. I did some texture paste and stencil with a Prima crackle stencil, some background stamping and lots of misting. Chippies are all Creative Embellishments except the title Adore, flowers are Prima, as well as the micro beads in plum.

My mists -
Peony Scarlet Red
My Mojito Green

Click on either color to go right to their shop! Thanks for looking,