Friday, June 29, 2012

How Does My Garden Grow?

Pretty good if I do say so myself :)  The only thing I'm disappointed in is my topsy turvy.  The tomatoes and eggplant in there aren't thriving half as well as my veggies in the containers.  Oh well, if I use it again next year I might put the romas instead of the big beefs.  I'll see how this works out.  Here are some pics -

This is one of my zucchini's in the brick planter.  I have zukes!

Cukes. look closely at the last, there's a teeny tiny cuke on it :)

Romas loaded with maters ;)

Eggplant with a flower that is going to be a nice fruit.

Topsy turvy with some big beefs and basil and eggplant

my other zuke, look how nice it looks

Here's some pics of my pomegranite tree with baby poms on it -

I have another video of my high school mini-albums that I made.  I like them, and I am still learning as I go as far as content quantity in off the shelf vs. custom.  I also am going to be making another Little Darlings mini for my friends sister....PAID!!  Yay!!  Her mom wants one for the sister who is due any day.  Imagine, two daughters giving birth within two weeks of each other.

Still getting used to the video stuff, enjoy

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Some Won Goodies

Got some great goodies in the mail that I won from Tara over at Each Moment Only Once.  I gave some blog love to her in a previous post.  Go check her out, you won't be dissapointed. She's on G45's DT and BoBunny's just to name two of them.  She holds give-aways each month and I won May's!

Here's the stack of awesomeness that I got -

Just lovely stuff!  Can't wait to play, thanks again Tara :)

Monday, June 11, 2012

Little Darlings

This Saturday was my friend Bonnie's baby shower.  She's having a little boy on the 22nd and is over the moon since her and her husband have been trying for quite a while to add to their family of 2.  Their son Will was in Santino's kindergarten class, he's 8 now, and their daughter is going in 5th.  I made her a G45 Little Darling mini inside an altered cigar box.  I have to say, I think this is the best thing I have made so far!  Here are the pics -

This is an actual cigar box.  John ordered me some empty ones from a cigar company online and I have a very diverse selection.  Some are really nice.  I fussy cut the mom, baby, and the banner from the 12x12 sheet.  Then I mod podged the music sheet from the 8x8 pad I had on the top and some of the border pieces on the sides, glued the mom and baby and the banner over it, made my roses and vines and leaves hot gluing them on as well.  Inside the box, I painted it baby blue, mod podged the cute little boy that I fussy cut from the same 12x12, stamped the corners.  I glued an 8x8 paper on the top inside cover and then some of the fussy cuts from my big sheet.

The mini itself was made from envelopes, the cover from thicker chipboard.  All the embellies are from the G45 Little Darlings line, their chipboard, a sticker sheet their 8x8 paper pad and some 12x12 sheets.  I had some blue ribbon, some baby blue brads, and my stickles and glimmer mist to finish.  I made tags to go into the pockets decorating them in various ways, from masking to embossing with my big shot.  Here are the pics -


Everyone at the shower was gaga, it got passed around to every lady that was there.  They told me to hurry up and open my booth!

This paper is beyond beautiful.  They are just an amazing company!  I actually won a great package from their Re-Pin it to win it contest on Pinterest a week ago.  I got an ABC Primer 8x8 pad, their metal staples, chipboard, just awesome.

I"m going to do another video showing the graduate albums I'm making for the local h.s.  it is a trial and error learning process about what should be included, what adhesives work best, etc.

On a side note, my daughter Victoria entered John in the Best Dad contest.  He was winning all along by 20-30 votes till today.  Now it is neck and neck him by 1 John by 1back and forth.  If you could go here -

*BEST DAD CONTEST*  and like it then vote today tomorrow and Wednesday, I'd appreciate it greatly.  You can unlike it once it's over :)

Thanks so much for stopping by.