Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Aww, look how cute!

The week before Easter, I was getting decorations down from in the garage and I heard a little meow. Getting frightened, I ran inside screaming for my oldest son John, thinking our English Bulldog Bruno had chased and trapped a cat. My hubby and son come down, and of course the whole coxy army and are looking but don't find anything. My son says, Mom there isn't anything here. I told him I know what I heard. He looks in a box of winter coats that has not been opened since we moved to this house in 4/05, and says, OH MY GOSH! A mama cat and her 5 babies at about 2 wks old! They are now 5wks and so cute, they have started eating on their own, and clean themselves. We are trying to find homes for them, they are so sweet! We can't keep them. Hubby can't handle the fact that cats can jump on your table or counters and lick your food and you wouldn't even know it happened. Here are some pics -

They are just adorable, and giving them away is not easy. My youngest son has flipped his wig since my oldest daughter took 2 for herself and her friend, oh what a fiasco!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Weekend is Coming!

Here is one of my favorite layouts that I've done. It's from "05" when my daughter Desirae had prom, and her boyfriend Omar is in the pics with her.

Now she does hair, and I haven't had to pay for a cut or color in forever! What a savings that is. She also styles me too, now I know how the well to do feel when you have someone do that sort of stuff for ya! I had to do it myself on the cruise, and I was like "hey, where's my personal stylist!" Ha!

Something random here, I am totally enjoying this series of books written by Laurell K Hamilton. It is the Anita Blake vampire slayer series. That and Charlaine Harris' Sookie Stackhouse series which HBO's True Blood is based are off the hook fantastic! I am on # 9 in Anita Blake books, and am waiting for the new one to come out in May from the Sookie series.

The weekend is here and I hope to get some personal scrapping done. We shall see, have a great weekend!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Cruise Time!

Well Easter has come and gone. Time goes way to quick. I took a ton of photos as usual and find the kids very funny with all their poses. Dying eggs was easier this year since they are all getting so big. They went through 70 eggs quicker than you can blink your eye!

We have come back from our cruise and it was just wonderful! I think we just might do this with the kids. When you have as many as we do, all inclusive really lifts a large burden. Of course I took tons of pictures. Here's me and hubby.

I have fallen way behind in my personal scrapping, and trying to catch up with scrap swaps I have joined. Here are a couple of pics from a swap I joined. It was an altered Easter can swap. I loved doing this, and find that I like altering a whole bunch. The mini album was part of a can that I made for a wonderful gal named Carrie who comes up with just great swap ideas, and so I wanted her to have a can as well.

Well, I need to complete some swaps and a layout for a teachers album, so I will check in soon. Oh, and I am still messed up from the cruise! My equilibrium is way off and feel like I'm off center!

Thursday, April 9, 2009


My name is Paula, and I am the mother of 6 a Grandmother of 2, and have been married to a wonderful man for 28 years. I've decided to dip my toes in the blog world since I think it is a great outlet

My blog is called My Sweet Dreams (in Italian), for all the dreams that have come true in my life as well as the ones that are still blossoming and growing in my mind.

Two of my great passions are cooking and scrapbooking, which I will share with you here. Never considering myself an artist, my husband who most certainly is one, called me such and made me very happy. Thinking some more and I realize cooking is a very intimate art that you share with others. You really put yourself out there when you cook a meal for people, it can be very daunting to me sometimes, but I do so love it!

Scrapbooking is another love that has really taken me by surprise, I love going through the whole process of picking pictures and papers, all the embellishments to go with a layout. I also have become enamoured with altering various items, from paint cans to little notebooks. It is a beautiful form of expression.

I look forward to adding more of what I love here, in the meantime here is a very small teaser of what I do -